A leaf to represent the Sustainability Impact section of the Impacts Reports for Esch22
Sustainability Impact
Cultural Research Impact
Two people on a magnifying glass to represent the Cultural Research section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
Two hansds shaking representing Cultural Policy & Governance Impact
cultural policy & governance Impact
Two kids walking to represent the Social Impact section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
social Impact
A man with a VR headset on to represent the Cultural Impact section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
Cultural Impact
A crane representing Regional & Urban Development Impact
regional & urban development Impact
The European Union flag to represent the European & Internation Impact section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
European & international Impact
© Maria Comesaña I Esch2022 Closing Event Rewind-Play-Forward
© Tokonoma - Tokonoma – Photo Archives de la Ville de Dudelange I Exposition Remixing Industrial Pasts
© Patrick Galbats I Actor Sascha Ley, Biergerbühn
© Eric Devillet I Esch2022 Closing Event Rewind-Play-Forward
© Guido Bosua I Dancer Rhiannon Morgan, ChoreoChroma
© Léa Cheymol I Earthbound – Exposition In Dialogue with Nature
Quotation marks
“ We can only have an impact if there are people who recognize the usefulness and value of the Esch2022 - European Capital of Culture project and who continually work on this idea. ”
Nancy Braun
- Director of Esch2022
Quotation marks




A man with a VR headset on to represent the Cultural Impact section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
The European Union flag to represent the European & Internation Impact section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
Two kids walking to represent the Social Impact section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
A leaf to represent the Sustainability Impact section of the Impacts Reports for Esch22
A crane representing Regional & Urban Development Impact
Two hansds shaking representing Cultural Policy & Governance Impact
Two people on a magnifying glass to represent the Cultural Research section of the Impact Reports for Esch22

Cultural Impact

A year like no other... More than 1,000 events and 3,000 activities punctuated the cultural programming of Esch2022 under the leitmotif REMIX Culture - and not just in 2022! A dense offering which was accompanied by the emergence of new places dedicated to culture. No doubt you have heard of the Konschthal, the Bridderhaus or the Ariston in Esch-sur-Alzette, the SPEKTRUM in Rumelange or the MUAR (Musée der Aarbecht) in Kayl/Tétange… Since then, we create there, we dance there, we exhibit there, we play there... The title of European Capital of Culture has in this sense had a positive impact on cultural heritage, both intangible – richly represented in the program – and material. Two thirds of residents also believe that Esch2022 made it possible to improve and develop the cultural infrastructure of the region and to stimulate the development of culture and cultural activities in the region.

Find this chapter on page 36 of report Esch2022 Evaluation & Impact
1,351 cultural events between 2020 and 2023
512,000 visits for the Esch2022 program
A man with a VR headset on to represent the Cultural Impact section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
1,351 cultural events between 2020 and 2023
Source: Project statistics, Esch2022
Circle for Cultural Impact section for the Esch22 Impacts Reports
The European Union flag to represent the European & Internation Impact section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
“Esch2022 allowed us to successfully complete the Eden Europa project. With confidence, the Esch2022 team joined us in this crazy adventure […]. »
- Emmanuel Fleitz, Composer and double bassist, Art coordinator, Man’ok & Cie, Eden Europa - Esch2022

European & international Impact

In a country that experiences Europe on a daily basis, Esch2022 has been talked about beyond the borders of Luxembourg! Thanks to this title, the south of Luxembourg and the French border were highlighted and undoubtedly shined at the international level. The press widely covered the event through more than 8,600 articles published in 65 countries around the world, Esch2022 also made it possible to highlight the diversity and richness of European cultures. Many projects have in fact been devoted to the theme of European identity - nine out of ten have also been the subject of cross-border or international collaboration, which has made it possible to establish links with European institutions and export Luxembourgish culture abroad. Artistic collaborations, projects presented in other European countries, welcoming representatives of more than 30 former, future and potential European Capitals of Culture, visits from numerous diplomatic and political representatives... Strengthened by these numerous exchanges and forever a member of the family of European Capitals of Culture, Esch2022 has undoubtedly had a strong impact on the international level.

Find this chapter on page 64 of report Esch2022 Evaluation & Impact
“Esch-sur-Alzette and Audun-le-Tiche, two towns separated by a border, have been linked by a cultural bridge called Esch2022.”
93 projects are part of REMIX EUROPE

social Impact

Active participation was far more significant than mere spectating, and it was a top priority for Esch2022. This goal was achieved, as thousands of people from diverse backgrounds actively engaged in the event. The European Capital of Culture, Esch2022, offered numerous ways to participate. What was the result? Approximately 160 project leaders were chosen to oversee this year's events. Over half a million visitors participated in the 3,157 cultural activities, and several hundred volunteers ensured everything ran smoothly. None of this would have been possible without the support of the 19 Luxembourg and French municipalities involved in Esch2022, the various political figures, and the numerous sponsors who funded the projects for a multi-generational audience.
In this sense, Esch2022 has undoubtedly had a strong social impact, having made it possible to bring together and unite people of different nationalities and different ages, as well as various actors around a common project.

Two kids walking to represent the Social Impact section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
1,033 events in the Esch2022 program were free
Source: Project statistics, Esch2022
A leaf to represent the Sustainability Impact section of the Impacts Reports for Esch22
With REMIX Nature, Esch2022 has placed the issue of sustainable development at the heart of its programming
Source: Project statistics, Esch2022

Sustainability Impact

Sustainability in all its forms is a subject that should be central to society. It has been the underlying theme of various events organized for Esch2022. The preservation of nature and commitment to sustainable development were at the forefront of many projects. These projects leveraged culture to increase public awareness about these issues and promote behavioral changes. Marking a first in the history of the European Capitals of Culture, a sustainability charter named ELO was developed by Esch2022 in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment, Climate, and Sustainable Development. With its thematic guidelines and practical examples, the charter aims to establish a 'green' culture and serve as an inspiration for future title holders. In fact, this charter and its recommendations have generated international interest and encouraged greater European cooperation in this field.

Find this chapter on page 104 of report Esch2022 Evaluation & Impact
65 projects from the Esch2022 program were linked to REMIXNature
The ELO initiative - a first in the history of the European Capitals of Culture

regional & urban development Impact

Esch2022 and its region have undergone a transformation that will extend beyond 2022. The involved municipalities have leveraged their history and heritage to create new cultural spaces, now attracting both national and international audiences. A study on the region's image revealed that nearly half of the respondents believe the title of European Capital of Culture has positively impacted the image of Luxembourg, the southern region, and Esch-sur-Alzette. Furthermore, nearly 60% of Esch2022 participants now view the southern part of Luxembourg as more interesting than before. On a broader scale, the project has successfully promoted the region across the Franco-Luxembourg border, establishing it as a vibrant and attractive cultural hub. This development has sparked the interest of many tourists eager to explore the enhanced leisure options, bolstered in recent years by new offerings from Esch2022. While this cross-border region was not previously seen as a tourist destination, recent tourism statistics confirm that this perception has changed.

Find this chapter on page 114 of report Esch2022 Evaluation & Impact
Esch2022's cultural wealth has attracted more tourists to the Southern region
Great Press visibility of the region
A crane representing Regional & Urban Development Impact
55% of people surveyed believe that the title will have a positive long-term impact on the Esch2022 territory
Source: Notoriety study, participation, impact ILRES
Two hansds shaking representing Cultural Policy & Governance Impact
11 Luxembourgish municipalities and 8 French municipalities are part of the Esch2022 territory.
Source: Project statistics, Esch2022

cultural policy and governance Impact

Esch2022 represents a true cultural policy initiative, with the title of European Capital of Culture being just the initial step. Under the high patronage of HRH The Grand Duchess, who has championed cultural policy and governance in the southern region, Esch2022 can be succinctly described. The project succeeded in generating enthusiasm among the public, uniting diverse audiences and sectors, and equipping the area with the necessary cultural infrastructure to sustain the generated excitement. While these milestones have been established, Esch2022 also facilitated regional collaboration. It led to the formation of various bodies, alliances, and networks that remain significant today. Furthermore, it fostered a stronger desire for collaboration, transcending borders between Luxembourg and France, as well as between local municipalities.

Find this chapter on page 150 of report Esch2022 Evaluation & Impact
The Esch2022 project aimed to unite culture, technology, and science
"Esch2022 sought to foster interaction between culture and business."

Cultural research Impact

Esch2022 has significantly impacted research across multiple fields through innovative projects that utilized advanced technologies and involved various experts. This includes contributions from Statec, ILRES, Philippe Robin, and Impact Lab. As a result, research partnerships have been formed with the Esch2022 team and the city of Esch-sur-Alzette. The University of Luxembourg has also played a major role in contributing to Esch2022 projects, focusing on distinct aspects of local culture and offering a fresh perspective on the Minett region.

Find this chapter on page 166 of report Esch2022 Evaluation & Impact
One of the aims was to bring the worlds of culture, technology and science closer together
5 Esch2022 projects resulted from collaboration with the University of Luxembourg, which actively engaged in or led these initiatives
Two people on a magnifying glass to represent the Cultural Research section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
"Considering the outcomes, cultural monitoring has proven to be an effective and reliable statistical tool, adept at fulfilling various goals of statistical production, analysis, and regional observation."
- Philippe Robin, Expert in cultural statistical engineering

The Reports

A man with a VR headset on to represent the Cultural Impact section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
The European Union flag to represent the European & Internation Impact section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
Two kids walking to represent the Social Impact section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
A leaf to represent the Sustainability Impact section of the Impacts Reports for Esch22
A crane representing Regional & Urban Development Impact
Two hansds shaking representing Cultural Policy & Governance Impact
Two people on a magnifying glass to represent the Cultural Research section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
Quotation marks
“ The European Capitals of Culture embody more than Europe's cultural diversity, reflecting our core values of freedom, peace, justice, and human rights. Culture defines Europe, and Europe is defined by all of us. ”
Margaritis Schinas
- Vice-President of the European Commission
Quotation marks
A man with a VR headset on to represent the Cultural Impact section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
The European Union flag to represent the European & Internation Impact section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
Two kids walking to represent the Social Impact section of the Impact Reports for Esch22
A leaf to represent the Sustainability Impact section of the Impacts Reports for Esch22
A crane representing Regional & Urban Development Impact
Two hansds shaking representing Cultural Policy & Governance Impact
Two people on a magnifying glass to represent the Cultural Research section of the Impact Reports for Esch22

With support from

Logo for the government of Luxembourg - Ministry of Culture
Logo for Let's Make It Happen Luxembourg
Logo for the European Capital of Culture

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